Transforming Animal Welfare in Jamaica

AWAG is working to create a brighter future for animals

 Participate in our mission to improve the treatment of domestic animals and wildlife in Jamaica. Join forces with AWAG to make a meaningful impact in creating a more humane society.

Welcome to the Animal Welfare Advocacy Group (AWAG) website!

Animal cruelty and neglect are pervasive problems in Jamaica, and existing laws to protect domestic animals, as well as wild species, are outdated, inadequate, and ineffective. There is a dire need for a functioning Animal Welfare National Plan that would bring Jamaica in line with international best practices.
For decades animal welfare advocates from professional groups, agencies as well as individuals have been committed to creating the change necessary to address the plight of the country’s domestic animals and wildlife.

The Animal Welfare Advocacy Group (AWAG) has been convened to coordinate and support the efforts of its members as well as to pursue common strategic goals. This umbrella group will constitute a critical mass aimed at stimulating activism through public education as well as prompting the government to act on critical issues that impact the welfare of animals including the need to update the national regulatory framework.

We intend to work to create a more civil, humane society.

We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals - Immanuel Kant

Our Mission

To bring together all players who have an interest in advocating for the humane treatment of animals, around common goals that improve their lot. We will create a framework for a National Animal Welfare Plan that stimulates government action enabling the society to move forward in compliance with international standards.

Some of the animals we are working to protect are:






Our Aim

At AWAG, we aim to promote animal welfare in Jamaica. We are in the process of developing a framework for a National Animal Welfare Plan, lobbying the government to improve animal welfare legislation, and promoting public education about animal welfare issues. But there’s still so much more to be done, and we need your support to continue our efforts. Please consider joining us in our mission to create a better tomorrow for animals in need.

We Need Your Help!

Help make a difference to an animal welfare organization today! Your contribution can provide shelter, food, medical care, and other essential resources to animals in need.

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